Wake framework: Swiss-Knife for Security Researchers

July 8, 2024

11:45 am


12:00 pm

Wake framework: Swiss-Knife for Security Researchers

Wake framework: Swiss-Knife for Security Researchers

Wake framework: Swiss-Knife for Security Researchers

Wake framework: Swiss-Knife for Security Researchers

Wake framework: Swiss-Knife for Security Researchers

July 8, 2024 11:45 AM
"Smart contract development involves using a variety of tools for testing, analysis, deployment, or vulnerability scanning. The approach of the Wake framework is to deliver one tool the developers and auditors can use for everything: testing framework, fuzz testing, a static analyzer with custom detectors and printers, all visualized in the frontend - VS Code extension. This talk presents advanced use-cases focused on security and auditing such as fuzz testing, differential fuzz testing, and fork testing."
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